Share Memory

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Quick Facts

Created At

Dec 2021

Project Type



7 days


JavaScript React


Full Stack

Tools Used

ReactTailwind CSSSanity.ioGoogle AuthenticationReact MasonryNetlify

About The Project

Share Memory.

A full-stack social media app for Image sharing. It's a perfect app to snap a picture and share it with the internet.

This application features a lot, from cool Tailwind Css frontend to Sanity Backend. ⁠

Some core features:

  • Google Authentications.
  • React and Tailwind Frontend.
  • Sanity As CMS.
  • Data Filtering and Search Option.
  • User Profile.

This is not all, There are much more to add and Improve.

Stay Tuned ;)

About The Client

Rayhan Hossain Rahat (Hobby)


I am Rayhan Hossain Rahat. I full-stack Web Developer. With passion and Love for building awesome things on the Web. I love doing projects every now and then and sharing them with the world

11 ProjectsDhaka, Bangladesh

Project Looks

Home Page Look

Home Page Look.png

Create Pin Page

Create Pin Page.png

Pin Details Page

Pin Details Page.png

Login Page

Login Page.png

User Profile Page

User Profile Page.png

Search Page

Search Page.png

© 2022   Rayhan Rahat
