Hulu Clone

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Quick Facts

Created At

Oct 2021

Project Type



2 days


JavaScript React


Front End

Tools Used

Next.jsAPIReactTailwind CSS

About The Project

A Hulu clone website made with Next.js, Tailwind CSS.

This particular web application uses the Movie DB API to fetch data in the server and render out server-side rendered super-fast web pages.

It can also filter or change the genre of the data on the fly.

About The Client

Rayhan Hossain Rahat (Hobby)


I am Rayhan Hossain Rahat. I full-stack Web Developer. With passion and Love for building awesome things on the Web. I love doing projects every now and then and sharing them with the world

11 ProjectsDhaka, Bangladesh

Project Looks

Full Page Look

Full Page Look.png

© 2022   Rayhan Rahat
