GPT 3 Landing Page

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Quick Facts

Created At

Oct 2021

Project Type



1 day


JavaScript React


Front End

Tools Used


About The Project

Let’s Build Something amazing with GPT-3 OpenAI.

A landing page for the GPT-3 Algorithm, was made with Next.js. It is a landing page taken from a Figma design. which was fully converted to a landing page.

This features, Next.js Static Site Rendering. Also some cool plain CSS effects and layouts. Leveraging the power of Flex and Grid Containers.

About The Client

Rayhan Hossain Rahat (Hobby)


I am Rayhan Hossain Rahat. I full-stack Web Developer. With passion and Love for building awesome things on the Web. I love doing projects every now and then and sharing them with the world

9 ProjectsDhaka, Bangladesh

Project Looks

Full Page Look

Full Page Look.png

© 2024   Rayhan Rahat
