Crypto Details App

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Quick Facts

Created At

Sep 2021

Project Type



4 days


JavaScript React


Front End

Tools Used

ReactAPIAnt DesignReduxRedux ToolkitChart.jsAxios

About The Project

Crypto App

A React Application, this application can be really useful for people who like to work with Cryptocurrency.

Features of this app:

  • Get details of the top 10 crypto news.
  • Get news for all cryptocurrencies.
  • Get details of every cryptocurrency also with beautiful charts
  • Also, get stock market details.

This application is great for Crypto Nerds.

Have a look into the app now

About The Client

Rayhan Hossain Rahat (Hobby)


I am Rayhan Hossain Rahat. I full-stack Web Developer. With passion and Love for building awesome things on the Web. I love doing projects every now and then and sharing them with the world

11 ProjectsDhaka, Bangladesh

Project Looks

Front Page View

Front Page View.png

Cryptocurrencies Page Look

Cryptocurrencies Page Look.png

Single Crypto Page Look

Single Crypto Page Look.png

Exchanges Page Look

Exchanges Page Look.png

News Page Look

News Page Look.png

© 2022   Rayhan Rahat
