Colors App

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Quick Facts

Created At

Aug 2021

Project Type



8 days


JavaScript React


Front End

Tools Used

JavaScriptReactChroma.jsMaterial UIReact Sortable HOC

About The Project

React Colors!!!

A web application made with React.js, This is one of the big projects I've done solo. It's a colour picker app, with lots of features.

You can create a Palette of colours, the app will automatically create different shades for that colour, Give a name and save that palette, which later can be used to copy and paste and use on your next projects.

also, take inspiration by picking a random colour.

This app features a lot. Also Uses Material UI for UI components

Just Give It a Try.

About The Client

Rayhan Hossain Rahat (Hobby)


I am Rayhan Hossain Rahat. I full-stack Web Developer. With passion and Love for building awesome things on the Web. I love doing projects every now and then and sharing them with the world

11 ProjectsDhaka, Bangladesh

Project Looks

Home Page Look

Home Page Look.png

Single Palette Page Look

Single Palette Page Look.png

Create Color Page Look

Create Color Page Look.png

Also Let-s You Pick Emoji

Also Let-s You Pick Emoji.png

Picking Name For Palette

Picking Name For Palette.png

© 2022   Rayhan Rahat
